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Ingo Tegge

Ingo Tegge Profile Photo

Cultural Manager

Ingo Tegge has experience in both, the cultural and the business world and believes that true innovation can best be achieved when the two meet on equal terms. Born in Northern Germany, he worked in South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, and Romania. After graduating from the Free University of Berlin, his career in cultural management started at Goethe-Institut, Germany’s largest foreign cultural organization. After two years in Africa, he changed to a consultancy specializing in new work and innovation management close to Stuttgart before returning to the cultural scene in early 2016 when he took over the post of director at the German Cultural Center in Cluj-Napoca.

Oct. 12, 2022

Pârga Roadelor - partea a II-a

Între 1 și 2 octombrie am avut privilegiul de a găzdui un pui de eveniment – a fost prima ediție a lui – Sărbătoarea „Pârga roadelor.” Evenimentul nostru a fost despre amintire, despre învățare și despre bucurie. În prima zi,...

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